Here’s how your freelancers can manage their live contracts and milestones.
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Freelancers can monitor the status of their jobs, see the milestones they have completed and still need to complete by visiting their ‘Jobs’ –> ‘Current Jobs’. On this page they can also end active contracts.
A contract cannot be ended if there are active milestones. A milestone that has not been started will not cause an error when terminating the contract. However in the image below the freelancer must mark the second milestone as complete, then the customer must pay for the second and third milestones before the contract can be ended. The fourth milestone will not cause an error, as it has not started.

For repeating milestones the freelancer must submit the hours they worked during that cycle by the final Sunday night prior to the cycles’ end (whether weekly or monthly). In the proposal and when the contract is agreed upon the number of hours per cycle is set- this is the maximum number of hours that the freelancer will be able to submit for all future cycles.