This guide explains a feature that adds an activation requirement to workers, by requiring them to sign custom terms that have been uploaded by the admin.
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Step by Step Guide
In the Settings section of the admin dashboard, the admin has the option to enable the ‘AdobeSign‘ feature, which lets the admin add a link to a document that they want workers to sign. The admin can input the link in the ‘Form URL’ section of the feature’s input field.

Once this is done, the worker’s account will not be able to achieve an ‘activated’ status until they have signed the document.
When the worker logs into their profile a new button will appear at the top right, which will prompt them to ‘sign document’.

If the worker hasn’t signed the document and they try to apply for a job, they will be notified via a pop-up that their profile is unpublished (not activated) and be prompted to sign the document so that they are able to proceed.