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Note: API access is available on certain packages – please see our pricing for more details.

What does it do?

Using our API allows you to interact programmatically with your talent pool. For example, you can query your users, or jobs, and then generate a report, or display them on your marketing website.

Available functionality

Currently, we offer two endpoints: /users and /jobs:
=> /users returns your talent pool users
=> /jobs returns your talent pool jobs


For the users endpoint, you can use the following parameters:

=> Pagination: you can specify the ‘from’ and ‘size’ inputs to return the items you need

=> Filter: Role: you can choose whether to return freelancers or customers or both

=> Filter: Search: you can search users with a string search across all their user information

Here’s a curl for the /users endpoint:

curl --location 'https://our-url.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/users' \
--header 'Authorization: your-api-key-here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "from": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "filters": {
        "roles": 2,
        "search": "Programmer"


For the jobs endpoint, you can use the following parameters:

=> Pagination: you can specify the ‘from’ and ‘size’ inputs to return the items you need

=> Filter: Id: you can specify specific jobs

=> Filter: Search: you can search jobs with a string search

=> Filter: ServiceID: you can specify jobs based on job Categories

=> Filter: JobStatus: you can specify jobs based on the status e.g. new job, active job, cancelled job

=> Filter: UserId: you can specify specific jobs based on the customer user ID

Here’s a curl for the /users endpoint:

curl --location 'https://our-url.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/users' \
--header 'Authorization: your-api-key-here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "from": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "filters": {
        "id": ["fcafdb30-27fb-11eb-a89c-0fc2285761a1", "267eca00-a45d-11ec-8107-8dd8a0f17383"],
        "serviceId": "40f9d0350-914a-11ea-8e65-435c0cc692d9",
        "userId": "89d7f7d1-ebe2-49ae-9e70-4935b81484e3",
        "jobStatus": [1],
        "search": "Programmer"
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