New Completed Milestone Status

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This guide explains a feature that will display a new status on milestones when the worker has marked the work as completed- potentially before funds have been committed for the task.

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In the Settings section of the admin dashboard, there is a feature to ‘MilestoneCompletedStatusDisplaying’ (name likely to be changed).

When this feature is enabled the milestone status will show a different variable if the worker has marked their task as complete. In the image below, the final milestone has been marked as completed by the worker, but the client has not yet committed funds to be held in the Marketplace’s custom connect Stripe account.

This feature creates a straight-forward method for the client and worker to see at a glance what work has been completed and requires payment, and which is still waiting to begin.

Note that for the milestone status to appear on the milestone bar, the sub-feature mentioned in this guide must be enabled. There are also features for workers to be able to upload files and mark their work as complete before the client has paid.

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