Walk through of features in admin Settings

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This guide walks through each feature in the ‘Settings’ menu item of the admin dashboard.

Set default country code for the phone input

You manually input in the dashboard the country code (ie +30 for Greece or +44 for UK), which is then autofilled on the user registration page. Users can change the area code on the registration page by manually inputting a new one.

Hide the phone input on the freelancer register page?

Removes phone input.

Manually approve each freelancer before they’re activated?

Navigate to Users –> select user –> Approve. Otherwise FLs can access profile to add information but cannot apply for jobs. Customers can appear as if they aren’t approved, or need verification steps, but these can be ignored.

Display an alternative design on the Search Freelancers page?

When disabled the display is: Square image, name in bold letters, 4 rows next to image with name/star reviews/join date/intro text. At the far right of the block are buttons to ‘View Profile, ‘Invite’, ‘Message’.

This features changes the layout to: Round image, name in smaller (not bold) text above image, hourly rate below image, next to image 3 rows with star reviews/intro text/Read More button. Buttons at the far right remain identical, as does the style around the matching .

Redirect freelancers to their profile after they verify their email?

When FL verify their email account (by clicking verify in email they received) they would normally be taken to the Search Jobs page. Enabling this feature takes them to their Profile Page.

Allow customers to favourite freelancers?

Creates a heart symbol on FL profiles when viewing proposals. This freelancer will always appear ‘hearted’ until clicked again, so that you remember they are a FL you enjoyed working with.

Allow customers to shortlist candidates?

Creates a ‘Thumbs up‘ button on FL proposal. Click it and they are shortlisted for that specific job. Clients can view all shortlisted candidates by going to Jobs–> Shortlist –> Here you can sort through all shortlisted candidates by job or other criteria (ie distance or price).

Allow customers to invite others to shortlist candidates and view the contract? (Reviewer feature)

Creates a three-figure icon on posted jobs page, which customer’s click to invite reviewers (other people from their team that don’t normally have access to customer account), view existing reviewers and pending reviewers. You can add a reviewer from another job, by selecting them on the pop-up window under ‘add existing reviewer’.

Reviewer must register using same email that was inputted in reviewer invite field. Reviewers can view, shortlist and favourite candidates (favouriting (heart symbol) is per reviewer, so main customer will not see the FL has been favourited by reviewer). Reviewer can view proposals and candidates for jobs but can only view the job/contract they have been invited to review. They cannot take any action on job as reviewer (accept milestones, approve payments etc).

Allow users to permit other users to access their account?

Feature ‘Replace the avatar logout menu style with a simple ‘LOGOUT’ button?‘ must be disabled.

Provide full account access to other users. User goes to top right of screen, clicks their user image, selects ‘Add User’. This takes them to Settings page, where there is a block to ‘Manage Users’. Add email of other person, click ‘Add User’- they can be removed at a later time. In this way a single person can create a freelancer and customer account and easily switch between the two (both must add the other to make inter-switching possible).

Let customers display their company name?

Creates a ‘Company Name’ input field on customer registration page (Website.com/customer-register). Also Adds Company Name field on Customer profile next to profile image. When Customer posts a job, the company name appears, not personal name.

Replace customer first names with company names on emails?

Takes company name from above.

Integrate with Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a tool that tracks data across your site using the tags, triggers and variables that you set. From GoogleAnalytics to hubspot or custom code, you can track any data of your users as they move through your marketplace.

To integrate, create GTM account and copy the workspace ID from the Workspace and past it to your marketplace’s admin dashboard. Don’t forget to add at least 1 tag for GMT to function.

Integrate with Intercom?

Intercom is a user engagement tool. It will collect data on all your users from when they register. Admins can tag their users, segment them, send them marketing emails. A customizable chat bot can be set up on their app with user help items or that a real person monitors. Create product tours to demonstrate how the marketplace functions.

To set up: Create account in Intercom, and copy your unique user link, such as: app.intercom.com/a/apps/zo0dp1v9/outbound/tour, in this case, the user code to copy is “zo0dp1v9”. Paste this code into your marketplace admin dashboard. Then go to Intercom –> Settings –> Security–> Enforce Identity Protection (Identity Verification for Web Users)–> Copy Identity Verification Secret Code and paste it into the admin dashboard in the “Secret Key” input field. This will connect Intercom to your account so that user data is automatically collected when users register.

Enable agencies?

This feature enables a user to register as an agency (employer), with future FL registering under their ‘agency’ (as employees and select their agency) and contracting as they normally would. Payments are made to the agency, not the freelancer.

Also view feature: ‘Display the Customer Company Name on invoices?’

Automatically register freelancers outside the Stripe zone under your default agency?

Feature ‘Enable agencies?’ must be enabled.

Stripe automates payments to 40 different countries. Payments can be collected from anywhere. This feature lets Marketplace owner collect payments for users outside of stripe zone to then manually pay them.

The admin must first create an agency account by registering at (Website.com/register) as ’employer’. When this feature is enabled, the admin must select this agency is the default agency. Now on registration page an input field for country appears. If FL selects a country that is outside of stripe zone, they FL is automatically signed-up as an agency freelancer, working for the platform. They are also prompted for PayPal email address. This FL does not need to onboard on Stripe and can apply for jobs immediately. When milestones are completed the money is collected by Marketplace’s Stripe account and an email is sent to the admin stating value of funds and the specific amount to be sent via PayPal to the FL’s PayPal email address.

Hide freelancer names on their profiles to non-logged in users?

On public pages (Website.com/post, Website.com/post-form, Website.com/post-job, Website.com/freelancer-Category) this feature ensures that the FL’s names do not appear, unless the user is logged in. All other information is visible.

Display just the first initial of the last name for freelancers on public pages e.g. James B. instead of James Bond?

Only on public pages (not on proposals, active jobs…). If this feature is active and a client clicks on user profile (even while viewing their proposal) the last name only shows the last letter.

Enable Google Login?

Let’s users login with Google Account- the user must have registered with same email as their google account.

Allow users to change the marketplace language via a new menu item?

English and German are available by default. Translate each item in content file and upload as new language. Enable and menu item ‘Language’ appears, with drop-down to choose from.

Display the posted date for jobs on the freelancer’s search jobs page, and for proposals on the customer proposals page?

Appears in DD-MM-YYYY format. Titled ‘Posted’ on jobs and ‘Applied’ on proposals

Allow users to share emails and phone calls via messaging?

In messaging by default users cannot share their email or phone number (an error message appears saying ‘Please avoid sharing your email or phone number, thank you.‘). This removes that restriction.

Disable the Recaptcha tool?

Disables this security setting when logging in and registering

Choose which data items to include within the match score, and what weights to assign them?

Crucial for matching. Sum must be 100%. For freelancers to find jobs and clients to find freelancers within a job. Add custom data types, and they will be added to the list for you to set a weighting.

Allow customers to message freelancers from the Search Freelancers page?

Adds a ‘Message’ button on each FL’s block when a CL is looking for talent within a job they posted. Otherwise can only message when a proposal has been sent.

Allow Freelancers to message Customers without being messaged first?

By default clients message first- if FLs try they are given an error message “Messaging will be enabled once the customer has messaged you”.

Enable feature to allow FLs to message CLs.

Automatically log out users after a certain time, with a warning period?

Admin sets idle time before warning window shows up, and how much extra idle time between pop-up and the user being logged out.

Display consistent field labels across all public pages?

Hide the Distance Sorting on the Search Freelancers page?


Display a new tickbox field on the freelancer registration page?

Creates a tick box. Currently text is “Are you interested in moving to Finland?”. Content changed in Content file.

Display a referral field on the user registration pages?

Creates a referral input field on registration page. Can be viewed by admin by going to Users–> View–> Referral Code. This can be used together with the ‘Allow freelancers to reduce your commission based on their activites? (Optional)’ feature. If users enroll with a specific referral, this can be used to give them a % discount on the commission the marketplace charges them.

Display a new menu item for users to invite others to register as freelancers?

New button appears in menu that invites others via email. Functions even with CSS enabled, but cannot be edited by the CSS as it is hard coded. The referral field of new FLs that register is automatically filled with the email of the FL that referred the platform, if they use the link generated from clicking this invite button.

Enable URLs to auto-fill text into the referral fields of the registration pages?

Anything after the = symbol will automatically appear in the referral window when FLs register by following a link of this format: Website.com/register?referalCode=YOURINPUT

Can be used for marketing campaigns to charge them a lower subscription or commission.

Require freelancers to select their university when registering?

University Single Select field appears on FL registration page when feature is enabled. Field is mandatory but ‘Other’ can be selected.

Add a phone number input to the Customer registration page and send the data to Intercom?

Adds a phone number input field on customer registration page, this is the phone number used for 2FA if/once activated. If Marketplace has been integrated with Intercom, intercom also collects the users phone number.

Styling & Design

Feature creates new upload sections under ‘Images’ of ‘Styling’ menu item to upload a different logo in header/footer/login pages (to match background colours).

Default design is for white, larger, compact (close together) social icon symbols. The redesign is same symbols but smaller, more spread out and with colors matching the marketplace styling.

Adds a few lines as a third column in the middle of the footer, the content of which can be changed in the content file of the admin dashboard, by searching for middletext1 or middletext2. Add a link as well at middletext1link or middletext2link.

Use a more user-friendly Milestone design?

Changes appearance of milestones, which can further be styled in ‘Styling’ —> ‘Buttons’ —> ‘Milestones. Makes each milestone shaded, making it easier to tell where each ends and the other begins.

Display a more modern design for the login page?

Changes ‘Register’ and ‘Reset Password’ buttons to text with links. Sign in button is centered below input fields.

Display a customer register button on the login page?

Adds ‘Register as a customer’ button. Or if redesign is active, adds phrase as text with link.

Choose which info popups to display across your marketplace?

Creates small ? bubbles. Feature gives you option to enable pop-ups in specific locations. Content changed in content file.

Replace the avatar logout menu style with a simple ‘LOGOUT’ button?

Must be disabled for the ‘Allow users to permit other users to access their account?‘ feature to work.

Replaces user’s image and dropdown list in top right corner with simple LOGOUT button.

Redesign Invoice page to group Invoices within Milestones and Jobs?

By default all invoices are listed for both CL and FL on their ‘Invoices’ page, and user can click ‘download’ to view them.

Enabling this feature creates groupings that go from Job Name —> Job Milestones —> Invoice(s). Much more user friendly design.

Edit your menus?

Required for the changes you make in ‘Menu’ item of dashboard to take effect.

Auto-collapse the sections on the settings pages, and enable users to open them as needed?

Makes them uniform titled blocks with a tick on the right side to display the information within.

If a Customer has no reviews, display their name instead to freelancers?

By Default under the job name is the customer’s rating (highlighted stars). If they don’t have any reviews, instead it shows ‘(no reviews yet)’. Change this to their name instead.

Move the freelancer ‘Accept Offer’ button to the bottom of the page?

Only changes layout.

Add new button to Show/Hide Ended & Closed Jobs on the Customer’s Jobs page and hide them by default?

The closed jobs will no longer be visible, unless the button is clicked.

When jobs are ended, hide the ‘Edit Job’ and ‘Close Job’ on the Customer Jobs page?

‘Manage Job’ button still appears in both cases for the CL to view contract and milestones. Best to have this feature enabled so CLs don’t have the option to edit the job specs after it has been completed. If job is ‘Closed’ it can no longer be edited either (Manage job button still appears)

Display background images on the login and register pages?

Otherwise it is just a white background. Images uploaded to Styling–> Images .

Make the freelancer profile background transparent?

When a CL views FL profile, the space between blocks will become transparent to see what is on the landing page behind. By default it is white between/around blocks, making the profile appear much busier.

Display a map on the Search Freelancers and Search Jobs pages?

Users will only appear on map if feature ‘Allow freelancers to save their address?‘ is enabled.

How many items per page?

You can set intervals of 5- affects how many FL appear, how many jobs appear etc (there’s always numbers at bottom of page to go to next page)

Move the ‘Send Offer’ button to the bottom of the page?

No change in functionality, only of button location. This is for when the ‘Allow customers to send job offers to freelancers?’ feature is enabled.

Move the End Contract button to the bottom of the page?

No change in functionality, only of button location, from top right to bottom middle.


Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?

Here you decide which FL profile items will be publicly visible.  The items can be dragged and dropped to rearrange the order that they will appear on the FL profile.

  • NameImagePostCode: The initial section where the image is shown.
  • Introduction: FL can input intro remarks such as elevator pitch or mission statement.
  • Skills: Outdated. Use Custom Data instead
  • Vision: Creates a block labelled ‘Vision’ (title can be changed in content file) where the FL they can input relevant text. ‘Allow freelancers to input their vision on their profile?’ feature must be enabled for this block to appear on profile.
  • Education: FL can add a single education item. ‘Allow freelancers to list their education on their profiles?’ feature must also be enabled for this field to appear on FL profile. MutipleEducation option offers same functionality but with unlimited education upload slots instead of one.
  • MultipleEducation: FL can add several education items. ‘Allow freelancers to add multiple education items to their profile?’ feature must be enabled for this field to appear on FL profile.
  • Portfolio: FL can upload Portfolio items with image, title, website and description. FL can tag categories here that reflect the experience/work done, which will match them with posted jobs of the same category. Portfolio can be a requirement for FL profiles before they are activated. Image requirement can be removed from portfolio items by selecting ‘Allow freelancers to add portfolio items without having to upload an image?’.
  • Experience: FL can upload Company name, years of service, job title, job description and tag categories that reflect the experience/work done, which will match FL with posted jobs of the same category. Can be a requirement for FL profiles before they are activated by selecting ‘Require freelancers to have a work experience item before they’re activated?’.
  • EducationDegree: Outdated. Use custom data. Must be enabled for ‘Allow freelancers to list their degree on their profiles? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)’ feature to work.
  • Review: After jobs are completed on-site users can leave reviews for each other. There is an option to allow FL to upload reviews from past employers off-site. They must upload an image to verify the review which the admin will manually approve. This can be disabled be selecting ‘Hide button on freelancer profiles that enables them to upload their own reviews?’
  • References: FL can upload past employment or academia organisation, contact person name/phone/email, job title and description. Admin can approve reference items by contacting the past employer and verifying information is correct. Requisite is for ‘Enable freelancers to add employer references to their profile?’ to be selected. Can be a requirement for profile activation by selecting ‘Require freelancers to have 2 admin-approved employer references before they’re activated?’.
  • GovernmentWork: Feature developed for specific customer, most tenants can ignore.
  • CustomDataTypes: Create block on FL profile where they can input any custom data that has been set by the admin. This is done under the ‘Data Types’ menu item. Can create input fields that are character inputs, single select, multi select or file upload.

Allow freelancers to list their education on their profiles?

For this feature to appear on FL profiles it needs the ‘Education’ item from the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature to be active.

Creates a block on FL profile where they can:

  • input ‘University’,
  • Single Select from Degree Type (Bachelors, Master, PhD),
  • Single Select from Degree Focus (Drop down list by sector),
  • input degree,
  • single select Graduation Date from drop down list

The degree type, graduation date and degree focus can also become job preferences by selecting the feature named ‘Choose which data items to allow customers to select when posting a job?’ -> ‘Edit’, and selecting ‘DegreeType’, ‘Degree Focus’, ‘Graduation Date’. It is preferable to use Custom Data for job preferences.

Allow freelancers to add multiple education items to their profile?

The same university, degree, degree type, degree focus and graduation date fields can be filled in as above. There is the further option to make these fields mandatory for the education item to be completed. Appearance on FL profile is identical to feature above, except for the ‘+’ that the FL can click to add more education items. ‘MultipleEducation’ from the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature must be enabled for this feature to work.

‘Allow freelancers to input their vision on their profile?’

Creates a block labelled ‘Vision’ (title can be changed in content file) on FL profile where they can input relevant text. The ‘Vision’ option in the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ must also be selected.

Require freelancers to have a work experience item before they’re activated?

‘Experience’ must also be enabled in the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature. To see all activation requirements you can go to the ‘Users’ menu item and select a new user.

Require freelancers to create a portfolio item before they’re activated?

‘Portfolio’ must also be enabled in the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature. To see all activation requirements you can go to the ‘Users’ menu item and select a new user.

Require freelancers to have EITHER a portfolio item OR work experience item before they’re activated?

The blocks for both experience and portfolio are available to be filled on a FL profile, and the FL can fill in both. However the activation requirement is fulfilled once one of the two have been completed. This feature requires the activation of: ‘Experience’ and ‘Portfolio’ from the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ AND ‘Require freelancers to create a portfolio item before they’re activated?’ AND ‘Require freelancers to have a work experience item before they’re activated?’

Allow freelancers to add portfolio items without having to upload an image?

Image field is still present but no longer mandatory for a portfolio item to be uploaded.

Display an alternative design for freelancers submitting dates when creating a work experience item?

When enabled the format for selecting the date is changed to two drop down menus- one for month and one for year. There are two sections- start date and end date that are both changed. This method is much faster and easier to choose the desired date, especially if it is far in the past.

When this feature is not enabled the date selection is from a drop down calendar where you must click an arrow to go through each month until you reach the year, month and day. If the date is far in the past it can be an arduous process.

Allow freelancers to display their job title on their profile?

Adds text input field under name on FL profile. It appears on FL profile when customers are searching to invite them to jobs.

Hide button on freelancer profiles that enables them to upload their own reviews?

This feature stops freelancers from being able to upload reviews on their profile (which were manually approved by the admin). The reviews would be generated from completed contracts and the customer leaving a review.

Enable freelancers to add employer references to their profile?

FL can upload past employment or academia organisation, contact person name/phone/email, job title and description. Admin must approve reference items by contacting the past employer and verifying information is correct. Requires the ‘References’ to be selected in the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature.

Require freelancers to have 2 admin-approved employer references before they’re activated?

For this feature to work the ‘References’ option must be selected in the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ and the ‘Enable freelancers to add employer references to their profile?‘ must also be enabled.

Hide the Portfolio section on the freelancer edit profile page?

For marketplaces that don’t need to upload portfolios this feature hides the block.

Allow freelancers to save their address?

This feature creates an input field on the FL profile next their user image for the user to input their address. This is connected to the map tool, so if this feature is not enabled the map will appear empty (with no FL image bubbles).

Require freelancers to provide their address before they’re activated?

Makes above feature mandatory

Require freelancers to input an hourly rate on their profile to be activated?

Creates an input field on FL profile. If feature is enabled field must be filled for FL to be activated. Helps CL figure out if they’re a good match with that FL. The rate is not binding- it’s indicative. Specific rates are set in the milestones

Hide freelancers’ hourly rates to non-logged in users?

Hides hourly rates on public pages.

Set a minimum hourly rate on freelancer profiles?

There is input window on this feature to set rate. Considering commissions and fees, it is good to have a higher minimum rate so FLs can receive the funds they deserve.

Require freelancers to upload a profile photo before they’re activated?

FLs won’t be able to apply for jobs and their profile will be invisible to customers until their profile is activated.

Allow freelancers to rotate their profile image?

adds button that rotates image clockwise 90 degrees.

Allow freelancers to upload and display CVs?

‘Upload CV’ button appears on FL profile at top right.

Display a ‘Hire Me’ button on all Freelancer profiles that redirects to the unique Freelancer URL?

When CL views FL profile, this button appears. Takes them to the /post-form page with auto-invite for that FL.

Allow freelancers to tag themselves in any category? (1 input)

1 input field, but can tag unlimited number of categories from multi-select list.

Allow freelancers to tag themselves in any category? (2 inputs)

Identical to above but two input fields. unnecessary

Allow freelancers to integrate with their Calendly account, so customers can schedule meetings with them?

Copy Calendly URL into FL settings page. When CL is viewing contract page (of live contract or proposal), a ‘Schedule’ button appears, where they can book a session.


By default customers can post a job by going to their menu, selecting JOBS-> ALL JOBS-> ‘Post a New Job’, and from the drop down menu choose the category they want to post a job into. This takes the customer to the [Website.com//freelancers/CategoryName] page where they see a list of freelancers that have experience in this category (tagged from portfolio or work experience items). On this page they input the job details and post the job.

Display a page at /post-job where customers can see a map and choose a category to post a job into?

When this feature is activated, customers can follow a link for, or manually input the URL to [Website.com/post-job]. This takes the customer to a landing page where they can see the freelancers on a map and have a single-select drop down list of categories they can post a job into. This will take the customer to the [Website.com//freelancers/CategoryName] page where they see a list of freelancers that have experience in this category (tagged from portfolio, work experience or from category input field on FL profile). On this page they input the job details and post the job.

Allow customers to choose which category to post jobs into via the post url?

This feature activates a new method for customers to post a job. Clients can navigate to [Website.com/post] which displays all freelancers registered on the site (not just the ones within a specific category). Alongside the listed freelancers is the job posting form, where the CL will input job details. There is a new field in the job posting form, which is for ‘Categories’, which is a mandatory field as a job must be posted within a specific category.

Replace the /post-job dropdown with a search bar that leads to /post and displays matching Freelancers?

This feature replaces the drop-down list of categories that normally appears on the [Website.com/post-job] page with a search bar. In the search bar a client can search for any keyword (could be FL name, job category, skillset, keyword from an FL’s profile or CV), and all the matching freelancers will appear listed at [Website.com/post]. On this page the customer can post the job they want to and select the category for it to be posted into.

Note: if the keyword does not match any FL, then they all appear.

Enable a new /post-form page to allow Customers to post jobs via a simple form?

This feature changes the job posting layout from a list of freelancers on the left and the job form on the right. The new layout is a list of freelancers on the left and a ‘GET QUOTES’ (title can be changed in content file) button on the right. If the CL clicks this button then they are taken to a new page which only has the post-job form. Note: To hide the FL from being displayed on the left of the screen, you must insert the Custom CSS code from here in the ‘Styling’ menu item –> Custom CSS –> /post-form.

/* /post-form */
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(1) {display:none}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) {flex:0 0 100%;max-width:100%}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) h5 {font-size: 26px; padding-top: 30px;  padding-bottom: 20px;}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) [class*='PostJobForService__SectionLabel'] {display:none;}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) [class*='PostJobForService__FieldLabel'] {font-size:12px;padding-top:15px;}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) [class*='DataTypes__FieldLabel'] {font-size:12px;padding-top:15px;}
[class*='post-job__'] > div:nth-of-type(2) [class*='post-job__responsive-column__button-wrapper'] {padding-bottom:50px;}
[class*='post-job__'] {justify-content:center}

Redesign the /post page to display Freelancers in 3 columns and direct Customers to the /post-form page? Note: Requires the /post-form feature to be enabled too.

Changes the layout of the freelancers from a single list to 3 columns, with a button on the right to ‘get quotes’. Requires the ‘Enable a new /post-form page to allow Customers to post jobs via a simple form?’ to be activated. The appearance of these columns is changed from the ‘Styling’ menu item -> Custom CSS -> /post

Hide the Preferences section title on the Post Job page?

Only hides the title. Each item in the preferences section of the post job page will still be visible unless this option is unselected in the custom data in Data Types menu item. Note that outside of custom data there is also the ‘Choose which data items to allow customers to select when posting a job?’ feature that can activate some input fields as preferences on the job posting page.

Split up the process of posting a job and registering a customer?

This feature splits the process of posting a job and registering a customer from a single step flow to a dual step flow. The customer (who has never registered, or who has not logged in) inputs the job details, and then a pop-up window asks them for their details to register (name, email, company name).Creates an easier user flow so makes converting potential customers easier.

Allow customers to visit a unique URL for each freelancer, and post a job which auto-invites that freelancer?

This feature adds a phrase at the top of the freelancer page, which says “Customers can use this link to view your profile.” with a “Copy Link” button next to it. This link is unique to each freelancer and if a customer clicks on it, they can post a job specifically for that FL.

The features ‘Enable the auto-invite-freelancer functionality for the /post-form page?‘ and ‘Display a ‘Hire Me’ button on all Freelancer profiles that redirects to the unique Freelancer URL?’ must also be activated.

Enable the auto-invite-freelancer functionality for the /post-form page?

‘Allow customers to visit a unique URL for each freelancer, and post a job which auto-invites that freelancer?’ and ‘ Display a ‘Hire Me’ button on all Freelancer profiles that redirects to the unique Freelancer URL?’ must also be enabled for the CL to be able to post a job that auto-invites the FL.

Decide which Customers to prevent from posting jobs?

Activate this feature, go to Users, find customer you don’t want to be able to post a job, click ‘View User’, deselect ‘Is admin approved?’, click ‘Update User’. When they try to post a job a banner will appear telling them to contact admin for their account to be approved again.

After customers post a job, pre-filter freelancers based on the category of the posted job?

Approve each job before it’s posted?

Enable, and the customer posts a job as per regular. However FLs will not see the posted job until Admin goes to Jobs–> Pending Jobs–> and click ‘Approve’. Offers admins control over the marketplace.

Allow customers to post a job into sub-categories?

The post job form remains identical. However once a category is selected, a new input field appears underneath with the option to select a sub-category. Category is mandatory, subcategory is not.

Allow customers to remain anonymous when posting a job?

Creates a tick-box on the post-job form. Hides the customer name, customer profile image and customer profile details on that job.

Display the post job form above the freelancer list on mobile devices?

Sets the order for a better UX so the CL doesn’t need to scroll all the way to the bottom to post the job.

Enable clients to later edit every field of their job posts?

They can always edit some job posting fields (title, description and job detail custom data). When this is active, they can also edit job preferences custom data.

Enable customers to use advanced sorting?

When CL searches for FL within a job, they can change the order based on sorting. Sort by price (hourly rate), rating, first name or last name.

Allow customers to use advanced filtering?

Only shows the FLs that match the criteria set from filter. Can select ‘text search’ by default (also searches uploaded CV). Otherwise can filter using many options from FL profile. Can switch between AND and OR logic.

Enable customers to score freelancers using their own weighting for various data points?

This enables the ‘Matching’ feature on search FL page within a specific job. Create custom criteria with a set weighting and view the matching score as %% match.

Allow customers to search freelancers based on text found in their CV files?

Makes CVs searchable from advanced filtering section.

Hide freelancers with a 0% job score on the Search Freelancers page?

They don’t appear at all, even with advanced sorting/matching/filtering

Enable freelancers to hide unWanted jobs, and customers to hide unwanted proposals?

Jobs and proposals can be hidden, but not unhidden. Only do it for jobs that the FL def won’t apply to and for proposals that the CL def wont accept.

Add a search bar for users to search current jobs?

For FL–> Jobs –> Current Jobs. Search bar appears in top left corner.

Allow customers to send job offers to freelancers?

Fl creates proposal. CL instead of ‘Starting Contract’ straight away, clicks ‘Send Offer’ to FL. Fl clicks ‘Accept Offer’ making contract live. This is the longest user flow that exists, but it protects the FL from simultaneously being hired for multiple jobs that they may have sent proposals in for.

Contract & Milestone Features

Hide the Freelancer’s Proposal text on the manage contract page?

Once a job is live, and the CL selects ‘Manage Job’, the FL proposal text is written at the top of the page. Hide the text by enabling this feature.

Expand milestones by default, rather then clicking on them to expand?

You can minimize the blocks, but all details are already visible when you access this page.

Enable users to video call each other on proposal & contract pages?

Creates video-camera icon to initiate a video call on active contracts page. Sub-option exists to ‘Hide video button on proposal page’ (For CLs viewing proposals). Receive email notification when the other user is calling you and/or arrange a time through messaging.

Automatically create a milestone in every job proposal, where the milestone title comes from the Job Title and the milestone value comes from the Data Type identified here?

The custom data type that sets the value of the milestone must be text input (ideally with character validation so its numbers only) and must be the exact budget.

Useful for jobs where there is a single task with a set fee and no extra details are needed.

Allow freelancers to create a team proposal when applying for a job?

For invited freelancer (FL2), they can only join team from email link (or from search Jobs page)- proposal does not appear on their profile. FL1 cannot assign FL2 a milestone until FL2 has clicked ‘Join team’. FL2 can only create milestones for themself, not for FL1. FL1 can assign milestones to either FL1 or FL2.

When CL views proposal they can see both FL images, can click on either to see each profile. Accepting contract creates live contract for both FLs. FL2 only sees the milestones they have to do. FL1 sees all created milestones.

FL2 can ‘Leave team’ even if there are active milestones. This separates the job into two individual ones, so the CL has two identical job titles, with a different FL in each and different milestones in each.

Let your customers pay freelancers a pre-approved single milestone that repeats each month?

When FL creates proposal with an individual milestone there is the option to tick a box that will ‘Repeat and auto-approve each month’. CL accepts contract for it to go Live and approves milestone. This will collect funds from CL, and will do so each month until FL or CL ends milestone.

When Customers start a contract, stay on the same page, display a popup, and send the Customer & Admin a confirmation email?

Keep enabled.

Allow customers to hire multiple freelancers for the same job?

The same job duplicates every time a proposal is accepted. CL can delete most recent duplication if they want to stop receiving proposals for that job. Creates a large number of identical jobs on the CL ‘All Jobs’ page (if several FL proposals have been accepted)

Hide the ‘Send to freelancer’ button when Customers have created milestones within a proposal?

When freelancers apply for a job, auto-open the ‘Create Milestone’ button?

For first milestone, you don’t have to click ‘Add’ to open the milestone section to enter details; it is already opened.

When freelancers decide the value for a milestone, display all the payment splits?

Creates the calculator pop-up that can be opened when the milestone value is entered so that FLs know how much to charge to receive the amount they want.

When a contract begins, automatically take payment for the first milestone listed?

Alternative is for CL to manually click ‘Pay’ when they are ready to start each milestone.

Have customers rather than freelancers create milestones?

This feature changes the user flow so that: CL posts job. FL sends in proposal describing the work they will do to accomplish task, but will not create milestones. CL reviews all proposals, and creates milestones to clarify each task. CL can make contract live at any point after the FL sends in proposal. Each milestone cannot be paid for by the CL until the FL has approved it. Once the FL has approved the milestone, the CL will pay, the FL will be notified and the FL will start working on it. FL can mark as complete, CL approves the work done, which triggers payment to FL.

SubOption1: Skip FL approve milestone step: go straight from CL creates milestone, to CL pays milestone

Creates a faster user flow in which the FL does not need to approve each milestone before it can be paid for by CL. Increases likelihood of Marketplace admin needing to issue refunds if CL creates milestone and prepays, even though the FL cannot complete the task.

SubOption2: Allow edit milestones anytime BEFORE milestone is paid/started

When Customers review freelancer proposals, automatically open the section where Customers create milestones?

Milestone field is auto-opened for data to be inputted.

‘Have customers rather than freelancers create milestones?’ feature must be activated.

Prevent customers accepting a contract until at least one milestone has been created?

The ‘Start Contract’ button is there, however the customer cannot click it unless a milestone has been created first.

Require freelancers to create at least one milestone to submit a proposal?

Freelancer cannot submit proposal unless milestone has been created.

Allow customers to set contract terms, to delay payments by a number of days?

Creates a tickbox within the contract, with the text ‘Should payments for the job be delayed?’. When selected an input field appears where the client can enter the number of days.

Hide Milestone functionality?

Allow freelancers to edit and delete milestones in a contract?

Only true for milestones that have not been paid yet (are not live). Any other milestone can be edited or removed.

Allow users to create only single milestones, not repeating milestones?

Restricts the type of milestones users can have within a contract. Activate if the marketplace only has task based activities that do not repeat.

Subscriptions and Commissions


The Commission rate is set in the ‘Payment Gateway’ menu item of the admin dashboard. Here there is also the option to select automatic or manual payout of funds, which dictates how frequently the earnings the marketplace makes will be paid into the tenants bank account. The frequency of the automatic payout can be changed within Stripe under ‘Settings’ –> ‘Bank account and Scheduling’ –> ‘Payout Settings/Schedule’

Enable subscriptions via Stripe Billing?

This is done from admin dashboard, no need to access Stripe to set up a subscription plan. However, to cancel (archive) older plans, you must do this through Stripe. See more info about in our full Stripe guide here. Also you can access Stripe to charge custom tax based on the location of the users that you are charging a subscription to.

Enabling this feature gives four options (listed below), and by selecting each one you can choose the Plan Name, Description, Price and Interval (day, week, month, year).





User type will not be activated until they have an active subscription if this feature is enabled. Users can have multiple subscriptions, but only one is needed for account activation.

Allow freelancers to reduce your commission based on their activities?

Commissions can be reduced for users that meet specific requirements by adding a % reduction. If the marketplace charges a base commission of X value, the value entered into the ‘commission range’ input will reduce the base commission by that amount. ie if you input 4, and the base commission is 25%, the amount the user is charged is 21% of contract value instead of 25%. Commissions can be reduced based on:

Subscription Plans: Select and see all subscription options that exist. If user subscribes for a specific subscription add a % reduction here for them to receive lower commission on milestone’s completed.

Earnings: Create tiered brackets and charge FLs a lower commission once they have earned over a specific value on the platform.

Referrals: Create commission reduction based on how many new users have joined from invites of a specific user.

Coupons: Can reduce commission if user registered during a marketing campaign, and have a referral code.

Discounts are cumulative, so for a base commission of 25% if each option is enabled with 2%, 3%, 5%, 7% reduction respectively (and the user meets the requirements to be eligible for discount) then total charged commission will be 8% instead of 25%.

Allow users to specify milestones as ‘Expenses’ that don’t incur a platform commission?

For users that incur expenses completing milestones (gas, software, equipment rental). FL can tick this box on the milestone page and no commission (or tax) is charged on this amount. Note that there is no verification of this, so FLs could select this option to avoid incurring commissions on income earned instead of only for expenses.

Invoicing and Payments

Delay the Stripe registration prompt until a later trigger?

By default Strip registration prompt appears when FL goes to ‘Search Job’ page. This can be delayed to a later time by activating this feature and single-selecting from a drop down menu for Stripe registration prompt to be triggered when “Freelancer applies for the job”- in this case the FL will be prompted on the same page as before, but only after they click “Apply”. The other option is for when “Freelancer accepts the offer”, which is only relevant if the feature to “Allow customers to send job offers to freelancers?” is enabled.

In this user flow: FL creates proposal. CL instead of ‘Starting Contract’ straight away, clicks ‘Send Offer’ to FL. FL clicks ‘Accept Offer’ making contract live. This is the longest user flow that exists, but it protects the FL from simultaneously being hired for multiple jobs that they may have sent proposals in for.

Display the total freelancer payout on Platform Invoice?

Displays all fees charged to FL/CL on invoice the Marketplace sends to the FL.

Takes into consideration the admin fee and shows it on the FL invoice. Example: CL pays $10 milestone value + a $0.50 admin fee (total $10.50). Platform commission is 10% ($1) and admin fee for FL is $0.12. FL will be invoiced $1 + $0.12 + $0.50 for a total of $1.62 as the FL was paid the CL admin fee and is now paying it on to the Marketplace. This feature shows all the relevant numbers on the invoice.

Display the customer’s admin fee on the freelancer’s invoice?

Same as feature above (Display the total freelancer payout on Platform Invoice?). Displays CL admin fee on FL’s invoice to the CL.

Display the Customer Company Name on invoices?

Displays customer name AND company name in following format:

Customer name

Company name


Enable users to input their VAT number and have it displayed on all invoices?

VAT block appears on ‘Settings’ page and users (both FL and CL) can input their own VAT number. The input field on admin dashboard is for the Marketplace’s VAT number to issue invoices from the marketplace to their users.

Enable basic tax functionality?

Enable and add a value in input field for the marketplace to charge tax to freelancers on income made from commissions. Tax is only charged on commission value, not on admin fees as well. If milestone is $100 and the platform charges a 10% commission and 12% tax the freelancer will be charged $10 + $1.2 = $11.2 + the admin fee.

This feature also enables a tax input field to appear on the FL settings page, where they can set their own tax rate depending on the country they are working in. This rate can be changed at any time, and can in fact be changed between marking different milestones as completed which would charge the same customer a different tax rate for each milestone. The FL can set the value to 0 or leave the section blank if they don’t need to charge tax.

Enable advanced tax rules?

Identical to basic tax functionality, where the admin sets a default tax rate for their freelancers and FLs can set a default tax rate on their settings page.

Moreover, if admin goes to ‘Users’ a button appears for ‘Tax Manager’, and the admin can set a specific tax for each different user. They can choose between ‘default tax’, ‘no tax’, ‘custom tax’ or ‘VAT charge returned’.

This feature gives the FL the option to also set custom tax rates. On the contract page a ‘Tax Manager’ appears with the same options: ‘default tax’, ‘no tax’, ‘custom tax’ or ‘VAT charge returned’ . The FL can choose exactly what type of tax to charge depending on where the customer is located.

Hide the ‘Paid’ watermark on the invoices design?

Removes watermark.

Disable all payments?

All users go through the motions of contracting, but no funds are moved. The users must manually transfer funds to each other and to the marketplace, based on the invoice value that they have received.

An update to this feature lets admins choose whether payments will be disabled for all contracts, or whether it is an option that will be selected per contract. If the second option is selected, a tick box will appear on the contract page for the CL to select which says ‘Process payments outside of this platform?’.

Enable payments?

Enable Direct Debit payments from UK customers to UK freelancers?

Enable this feature and on the CL Settings page, when they go to add a new payment method, there is the additional option for BACS debit, instead of the default credit card.

For test accounts tenants can use TalentPools’s test data found in this guide. (Sort Code: 10-88-00, Account Number: 00012345). Direct Debits can take several days to be approved, and the CL cannot activate contracts before it is approved, unless they add a credit card, which would be approved instantly. Direct debits can cause delays in FL payments by a few days, when compared to credit cards.

Display the Agency’s address on the Agency Freelancer’s invoices?

The feature ‘Enable agencies?’ must be activated. By default the agency address appears on invoices, as they are the ones collecting funds from the customer. Enable this feature for a new field to appear on the FL registration page, which lets the FL choose between ‘My address’ and ‘Agency Address’. This gives the FL control over which address should appear on the invoices for the work that they do.

Outdated Features

Allow freelancers to list their degree on their profiles? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Redundant. Creates a new block on the FL profile titled ‘Education Degree’ with a single text input field. Requires ‘EducationDegree’ option from the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature.

Allow freelancers to tag themselves with skills, and match with relevant jobs? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Used for matching and weighted scores to be generated listing freelancers with % match for a posted job. Use Custom data instead

Change the freelancer portfolio section order? (Outdated: Use Freelancer Profile Order feature)

Allow customers to detail the location of a job when posting it. (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Display a new menu item ‘Post a Job’ that directs customers to the /post page? (Outdated: Use Edit Menu feature)

Display a post job menu item to freelancers? (Outdated: Use Edit Menu Feature)

Choose which data items to allow customers to select when posting a job? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Enable US Government Cage Codes? (Developed for specific customer- Use Custom Data)

Adds a field on registration page where user can input their US gov cage code.

Display a minimal style menu? (Outdated: Use Edit Menu Feature)

Enable freelancer availability? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Allow freelancers to list their US government agency and contract connections? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Require freelancers to input their LinkedIn URL when registering? (Outdated: Use Custom Data)

Display menu items in UPPER CASE? (Outdated: Use Edit Menu feature)

Display a Search Jobs menu item to customers? (Outdated, use Edit Menu Feature)

Custom Data Walk Through

On landing page for Custom Data is the option to ‘Edit’ or click ‘up’ & ‘down’ arrow, which changes the order in which the Data items appear on user pages.

Name: Cannot have any spaces.

Title: No restrictions. This appears above the input field.

Type: Text input, Single Select, Multi Select, file

Placeholder: Text that appears in field guiding user on what to input/select.

For Text-input only—> Prefix & Suffix: add a symbol, word etc at beginning or end of input field. Regular Expression validation: Add code to restrict user input to only numbers, characters etc.

Display on Freelancers register page?

Creates a field on FL register page

Display on Freelancers profile page?

Creates a field on FL profile page, where they can ‘tag’ themselves. On Settings page under the ‘Order the freelancer profile sections and choose which to display on public pages?’ feature the location of the custom data can changed by dragging and dropping.

Display on Clients register page?

Creates a field on CL register page

Display on Clients profile page?

Creates a field on CL profile page

Required for Freelancer activation?

Makes it a requirement. Can see if requirement has been met in the ‘User’s menu item of admin dashboard

Display on CL search FLs page?

For customers searching for top talent on the Jobs–> Freelancers page, this can be a criteria to choose from to filter or match FLs.

Display on Freelancer search jobs page?

For customers searching for jobs from menu Jobs–> Search Jobs, creates a field at top where item can be used to filter job results (only shows matches)

Display on post job form as a preference?

Preferences are lower on the page, can be used for matching/searching/filtering

Make mandatory on post job page?

*As preference

Display on post job form as job details?

Job Details are above Preferences, can be used for matching/searching/filtering

Make mandatory on post job page as job details?

User must input something in this field for job to be posted.

Split weighting?

Changes logic type from OR to AND.

Select this option for % match score to reflect each item and not one of the items for that data type.

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