Re-Parsing Candidate Profiles

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You can now re-parse the profiles of all your existing candidates when you add new custom data fields to the platform. For example, if you forgot to add a key skill, like ‘Software Development’ to your list of skills before you parsed 1,000 candidate profiles, you previously had to manually add this skill one by one for each candidate. Now you can do it in one click.

When you add a new custom data item, all of your existing candidates didn’t have it as an available field, so even though you may have some advanced profiles with that skill, none are tagged with that skills. So, when new jobs are posted, the employers can’t find candidates with that skill as effectively.

With the new button now available, you can re-parse every candidate against your updated custom data fields, and they’ll be tagged with the newly added skills. This saves you hours of time, and ensures that your profiles are always up to date.

Please note – be careful which Custom Data type you use this feature for! The re-parsing will review all data we store for that candidate, and attempt to find any of the custom data items, then tag those profiles with that item. For example, if you have a ‘Years of Experience’ field, with multiple options e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc, years of experience, then it’s likely to tag most of your candidates incorrectly, as most profiles somewhere include the numbers 1, 2, or 3 etc.

In other words, this is NOT a SMART parsing. The original parsing tech you use through the platform e.g. Textkernel, AI Parser etc will SMARTLY process that data and identify the correct years of experience. We would advise NOT to use this new Re-Parsing functionality on this kind of custom data.

Feel free to get in touch with our team before you run your re-parsing, and we’ll be happy to advise.

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