This guide explains how to add more languages to your marketplace platform so that users can choose the language that they want to view the marketplace in.
Video Guide
Step by Step Guide
This feature is enabled in the admin dashboard under the ‘Settings’ menu item.
It is now possible to have the marketplace displayed in multiple languages, and for each user to choose their preferred language via a drop-down menu as shown in the image below.
You are responsible for translating the content, though contact us for assistance. In the admin dashboard under the ‘Content’ menu item is the language file of your marketplace. This has all the content of your website under the “en” label. Other languages will have their own label (“fr”, “gr” etc), and all the content in quotation marks right of the colon must be translated into the language of choice. This language file can then be saved in .json format and reuploaded for the new language to be displayed.