LinkedIn Integration to Autofill User Profiles

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This guide describes how to set up the LinkedIn integration on your platform so that workers, when registering, can input their LinkedIn URL for their data to automatically be pulled and their profile information automatically filled. Note that this feature uses a third party service to get data from the public Linkedin Profiles, which occasionally does not work. If you face issues relating to importing LinkedIn profiles, please contact our support team.

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Step by Step Guide

On your admin dashboard under the ‘Settings’ tab is the option to ‘Extract user data from LinkedIn to autofill their profile when they register? (Optional)‘. There is some required setup for this feature, however once this has been done, new users will save time filling out their profiles as most fields will already be completed with relevant data.

First, a custom data item must be created for the workers to input their URL on the registration page. To do this, go to the ‘Data Types’ tab and click ‘Add Data Type’ (top right corner). There you will create a ‘Text Input’ Data type, which will be displayed on the ‘Freelancer’s Registration Page’, as shown in the image below.

The custom name must then be inputted into the top field of the LinkedIn Feature on the settings page. The names must be identical (in this case linkedin_registration), and don’t forget to save once you have inputted the custom data name.

Now users can use the Linkedin Integration, and if they have filled in their LinkedIn profile correctly, it will automatically fill the following fields:

  • Profile Image
  • Job Title
  • Introduction text
  • Work Experience
  • Portfolio (Badges, Certifications, Accreditations)
  • Education

You can additionally pull data from linkedin to automatically tag languages, skills and volunteer experience, however these must be created as custom data items. The process for doing this is the same as above, however you as the admin have the option to decide whether these fields should be multiselect options or text inputs. The benefit of using the multiselect option is that the tags can then be used to facilitate matching between talent and posted jobs (this cannot be done with text inputs). The fallback of using the multiselect option is that the list of options you create in this data type must be an exact match to the item that is pulled from the user’s LinkedIn Profile. If it is not an exact match, the item won’t be tagged, and the user will need to manually select it after registration.

We suggest creating multiselect lists for skills and languages, and a text input for volunteer experience. In that way Skills and Languages can be used to facilitate matching, while volunteer experience will be purely descriptive & informative in nature.

Skills & Languages should have the following options selected in the custom data list (Volunteer Experience should only have the first item selected):

  • Display on Freelancers profile page?
  • Display on post job form as a preference? (Optional)
  • Make mandatory on post job page? (Optional)
  • Display on CL search FLs page? (Optional)
  • Display on Freelancer search jobs page? (Optional)
  • Split weighting? (Optional)

To complete the set-up, the Custom Names must be copied and input into the relevant fields of the Linkedin Feature on the Settings page.

To set a custom weight for these new data items, if they are lists that will be used in the matching between talent and jobs, navigate to the Settings tab and set the relevant weight within the feature ‘Choose which data items to include within the match score, and what weights to assign them? (Optional)

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