This guide explains how to pay freelancers that are registered outside of the countries that Stripe operates in.
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Stripe operates in these countries, and if your users are based there, there is no need to use this feature. Our marketplace solution automates all payments between you, your customers and your freelancers for payments made within these countries. Stripe cannot yet send payments to the countries not listed (they can receive payments from any country), however this feature will allow you to collect payments automatically and send them manually to your users anywhere in the world.

The agency feature must also be enabled for global payments to function. When the agency feature is enabled, you will create a default agency- details on how to do this is in the ‘Agency’ guide.

When freelancers register they must input the country they are based in, and if they are based outside of the countries Stripe operates in, they will automatically be registered as an employee of your default agency (‘John Doe’ in image below) and will be asked to input their PayPal email address.

Freelancers that register under your default agency will be able to send proposals and start working without registering to Stripe. Payments for all jobs they complete will be paid to you- the agency- instead of directly to them. You will receive an email with the job they completed, the amount they should be paid and their PayPal email address, and you must then manually send them this amount through PayPal.