The transactional emails on your TalentPools-powered marketplace are powered by PostMark. We can give you access to PostMark, which will enable you to edit your email templates, styles and see your email activity (who opened/clicked/bounced etc).
However, as admin, you would have full access to editing, so if you are not careful, you could delete a template, remove dynamic content or otherwise break a working template. We can not backup your PostMark emails, but if you do break something accidentally, we can fix it at our standard customisation rate.
Here’s a video guide on how PostMark works:
This guide shows how you can edit the branding of your emails and edit the sign-off information.
You can add custom code to certain email templates, for them to retrieve additional information from the platform. These guides will explain how you can:
–> Include the custom data job specifications in the job notification emails sent to freelancers,
–> Include the custom data from a freelancer’s profile, and their cover letter into the job application email sent to customers.
–> Include the applicant’s CV in the freelancer_proposal email, by enabling this feature.