This guide explains a new feature that allows users to utilise Chat GPT in parts of their user journey for talent platforms powered by TalentPools.
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Step by Step Guide
In the admin dashboard under the ‘Settings’ section of the admin dashboard is the option to enable the feature ‘ChatGPTIntegration‘.
The admin must input their API key and organisation ID from their OpenAI account for this integration to work. Currently there is the option to use this integration to ‘Help Freelancers with Application cover letters?’ — additional options will be added with future platform updates.

When this feature is enabled, the candidate that is applying for a position has the ability to click the button for an ‘AI suggestion’.

The candidate will be asked whether they agree with sharing their personal information before they are able to proceed.

The AI tool will then pre-create the candidate’s application for them by parsing the expert’s profile and the criteria of the posted job. The candidate should review and edit the application, as needed, before sending it to the client.