This guide explains how the users of a contractor management platform powered by TalentPools can have a milestone automatically created for them with the name and value taken directly from the posted job.
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Step by Step Guide
In the admin dashboard under the Settings menu item is the option to ‘Automatically create a milestone in every job proposal, where the milestone title comes from the Job Title and the milestone value comes from the Data Type identified here?’

This feature is particularly useful for simple contract types with a single task where the freelancer will do a predetermined amount of work. When a customer is posting a job they must (as always) fill in the job title, description, budget etc. The job title of the posted job will automatically become the milestone title.

The value that the customer inputs to the budget field will determine the value of the milestone.
The budget field is a custom data that can be changed in the ‘Data Types’ menu item of the admin dashboard. Specifically for this feature to work seamlessly the ‘Type’ should be a ‘Text Input’ as shown in the image below (not ‘Multiple Select’, ‘Single Select’ or ‘File’). The name to inputted in the feature is found here (in this case “exactbudget”). Ensure the Regular Expression Validation filed has this input ^[0-9]+$ as that will only allow numbers to be inputted in the budget field when jobs are posted. For this date type to appear on the ‘Post a Job’ page scroll down on the Custom Data and select ‘Display on post job form as job details’.

Activating this feature saves your users the hassle and time needed to create a milestone for simple tasks as the value and name of the posted job can be automatically transferred to that job’s milestone, as shown below.