This page provides an overview of the ‘jobs’ (jobs, proposals, milestones), ‘invoices’ and ‘transactions’ menu items on the admin dashboard of freelancer marketplaces powered by our whitelabel technology solution.
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In the jobs tab is a table of all the marketplace’s jobs (active, pending and completed). The list order can be changed by selecting the arrow next to the header label.

By selecting a job (or scrolling to the far right), you can view the milestones, proposals and transactions relating to that contract, or click directly on the menu item and search for the contract in question. All the data presented in the table can be exported in CSV format by clicking the ‘Export to CSV’ button (top right).

Once a job is posted the customer will receive proposals from freelancers for the customer to choose the most suitable candidate. The administrator can see the proposals for a job in the respective tab, and see whether the proposal is pending, has been accepted or is being drafted.
A single contract can have multiple milestones, which are typically agreed upon before entering the contract, though more milestones can be added after a contract has begun. Milestones can be repeating (weekly or monthly) or individual (task based). When a milestone is marked as completed by the freelancer and the customer accepts the quality of work done by the freelancer (a ‘Disputes’ guide is available in our documentation) an invoice is generated by the platform and sent to all parties.
When a milestone is completed funds are moved in Stripe to pay the freelancer. There are several transactions relating to a specific milestone. Specifically, the PAYIN is the value that the customer was charged. The PAYOUT is the payment made to the freelancer, and the TENANT_COMMISSION is the difference between the two.

Each transaction has a link to Stripe to see the movement of funds on their platform. Under the ‘Users’ menu item the administrator can also select ‘View Stripe Balance’ or ‘View Stripe Transactions’ which display the relevant details in Stripe.

A separate invoice is automatically issued for every transaction. The customer receives an invoice for the work done by the freelancer, and the freelancer receives an invoice for the commission the platform withheld. The invoice page contains a table of all the invoices the platform has issued with their value, milestone, job ID and user details.