Empowering Recruiters

Launch your own recruitment platform in one day – no coding or tech team needed.

    Impress clients with your own branded job site.

    Find your top matching candidates database with a custom AI algorithm.

    Import Jobs

    Create your own branded job board, post jobs manually, or backfill them via API integration.

    Display Candidates

    Import your existing candidate database, and add new ones as they’re sourced.


    Custom Matching

    Find the best candidates in seconds using a matching algorithm that’s configured just for you.

    More Control

    See all the stats at your fingertips – jobs imported, shortlisted candidates, interviews made and more.

    Trusted By

    Genpact Talent Platform
    TwentyAI Talent Platform
    Russam Talent Platform
    GovFlex Freelance Platform
    PowerPublish Staffing Platform
    HumanCloud Sourcing Platform

    No more old systems!

    >  Manually reading 100s of CVs to find relevant candidates?

    >  Contacting each candidate to check their availability?

    >  Manually introducing candidates to the client?

    >  Checking up with each client to get updates on their progress?

    Schedule a Demo

    Get a personal demo of the TalentPools solution and see why it’s getting 5* reviews from startups, mid-size firms, $billion enterprises and government sub-contractors.

      Case Study: Twenty

      “We launched a dedicated recruitment platform in a week for our biggest client.  It automates all placement matching, and has increased our results significantly.  Happy to recommend.”

      Adrian, CEO at Twenty.AI


        See it in Action.

        Candidate Matching

        Instantly find suitable & available candidates, instead of reading resumes and contacting candidates for hours.

        Bring Resumes Online

        Transform a candidate resume into an online profile in 1 minute, on your own branded talent platform.

        Full Demo

        View a 15 min demo of the platform for both candidates and clients, and get in touch to set up a custom demo.


        Get in touch to discuss your requirements and see if we’re a good fit.